Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Training, Day 1, ugh...

As part of being a professional, there are time you are required to attend training sessions. These training sessions generally are vaguely related to your field. This week I must attend a three day training session for Water Utility supervisors and managers in the Upper Midwest at the local huge state university that I once attended. We have discussed our personalities and how they relate to being a supervisor. Then we discussed what it was to be a supervisor.

I would rather be covered in mud, standing in the rain, rolling up 50' long fire hoses after a bacterial test than sit through two more days of this. Seriously.

On the plus side, I have met a large number of my colleagues from around the state, including 6 from the enemy Mill city across the river. Oh, breakfast and lunch was provided which is a plus. An added plus is that it is only five minutes further than I already drive to work, local is nice.

>>>> Engineering Formula of the Day: 1 cubic ft of water = 7.48 gallons of water <<<<